In The Media | 25 May 2016

To get young people out of nursing homes, we need to back up the NDIS with housing – here’s how

Young people with disability living in nursing homes are one of the most marginalised and isolated groups of people in our society. More than half of them, 53%, receive a visit from a friend less than once a year. They generally lead impoverished lives, characterised by loneliness and boredom.

These problems affect more than 6,200 people under the age of 65 who are stuck in nursing homes. Another 200 people under 50 are admitted to nursing homes each year. This is a serious social issue that can and must be fixed.

People under 65 living in nursing homes are eligible for funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS will provide crucial funding for the support that these people need to live in the community.

However, the NDIS cannot on its own stop the inappropriate placement of young people in nursing homes. More accessible and affordable housing needs to be built.

Source: The Conversation